Select Page Social Sharing

How I increased page revenue for Legacy by $11,000+ per day

About this Campaign is a tech company that helps honor people’s life stories by giving them a permanent online tribute to their memory. Legacy also is one of the top-50 most trafficked websites in the US and has over 40 million unique visitors each month from all around the world.

The Goal: Increase page revenue by improving social sharing referrals to Legacy pages.


On Page Social Sharing

This first variation that I designed is an improved on-page social module, I improved the placement on desktop added a CTA and made them more significant. I go over the design and the research behind improving on page social sharing in greater detail here. One great thing about this on-page placement is that it can be used in addition to the other pop-up modules I designed.

180% Improvement in Facebook Sharing Overall
245% Improvement in Email Sharing Overall

Facebook & Email Toaster

I designed this toaster to have both a share and an email button. The toaster appears on scroll when the on-page social sharing module is no longer visible. Previously we had Twitter as a third sharing option, but due to low tweets I simplified it to only include email and Facebook.

219% Improvement on Desktop
(0.43% CTR – 0.13% Baseline)

Pop-up After Signing the Guest Book

I designed this pop-up to appear after a user signs the guest book of the deceased. A thank you message pops up, along with a “Next Steps to Take” message, which prompts the user to either share the page or send flowers. A user who sign’s the guest book clearly knows and cares about the person, and may be likely to send flowers and/or share the page on Facebook. If they choose to send flowers, they will be sent to the ecommerce section of the site, thereby increasing revenue. I had so many great ideas to increase social sharing some, like this variation unfortunately didn’t fit into this test and will have to be tested later.

Timeout Pop-up

I designed a social sharing pop-up that appears on timeout. The pop-up has an image of the deceased, and the design mirrors the page below it. There is a button to share on Facebook, as well as a button to share via email.

819% Improvement on Mobile (1.48% CTR – 0.16% Baseline)
364% improvement on Tablet (1.16 % CTR – 0.25% Baseline)

The Winner:

Facebook Only Toaster

This simple looking toaster was the clear winner of a 5 way A/B test between these 4 versions and the existing version. While ALL of the new social pop-ups converted better than the existing, this version in particular performed almost twice as well as the rest.

1577% Improvement on Mobile (3.42% CTR, 0.2% Baseline) 
1070% Improvement on Tablet (1.94 % CTR, 0.16 Baseline)
478% Improvement on Desktop (0.41% CTR, 0.07% Baseline)

Thanks to the combined efforts of all the new social placements I designed, overall social referrals improved by 39% and total transactions from the page increased by 44%, which increased page revenue by $11,000+ per day. That’s an estimated over $2 Million+ per year!!!

Considering the winning variant was only receiving 20% traffic for the A/B test, at 100% traffic the value of this social placement can be expected to increase those numbers even more!

But wait… There’s more!

I also designed additional placements for on-page social sharing to be used for future testing. These included: guest book comment sharing, event sharing (with a send flowers to the event button), as well as a prompt to share the page or sign the guest book if the user reaches the bottom of the guest book.

The Results

Our campaign to increase social sharing on the Legacy memorial page proved to be hugely successful! Improved social sharing led over $11,000 a day in increased page revenue from social referrals thanks to the new designs. That equates to potentially millions of dollars each year!